Ghanishtha Gargav

Contact: 9575961634

Upcoming Events

About Us

What is one thing everyone associates with a cultural festival like Alcheringa, a rock performance, your cult nights, debates or even a technical fest like Techniche? An engrossing experience! And while everything, for the performances to the prizes may be in place, the events would be incomplete without someone to bind the audience’s interest, ensuring the smooth conduct of the performances, damage controlling an emergency or two and on the whole, ensuring everyone has the time of their lives! To every event organizers’ rescue, comes the Anchoring Club of IIT-G, spicing up even the blandest of offerings and imparting stage skills to the the IIT-G junta since 2006.


The club aims to encourage each one to speak their hearts out, overcome stage fright and own the awesome personality one dreams of! From holding the stage on serious moments in Techniche, or entertaining the bustling crowds in Alcheringa, we got it all. And while all this sounds like a tough job, which it kinda is, we guys always manage to have our share of fun and awesome times!! And, not to forget, the radio shows conducted by RadioG, the campus radio, which, under our mentorship, is now spreading it’s wings and has opened up exciting horizons. So while the stage bears a glum look, we guys heat up things on the microphone, with the campus hooked on to each one of our words! So if YOU wanna join the fun, come hither to completely change your personality and be part of the crazy ride!!

What we do!

Here are some of the events we conduct-

  • Formal Stage
  • Semi-formal stage
  • Informal stage
  • Interviews
  • Candid Camera

Contact the Club

New SAC Building,
IIT Guwahati,